All-Russia Scientific Conference for high school students “Discovery” is annually spent in April in Yaroslavl since 1998 and collects about 500 participants from 79 regions of Russian Federation.
The conference has a good tradition of visiting by the foreign participants (from Finland, Czech Republic, Armenia, Latvia, Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine).
The aims of the conference: support of talented young people, demonstration and promotion of the best achievements of schoolchildren, the formation of creative ties with research teams and research centers of additional education, drawing public attention to the problems of developing the intellectual potential of society.
Pupils of the senior classes of Comprehensive schools, Liceums, Grammar schools and establishments of additional education (age of the participants 14-17 years) are invited.
The work of a conference is adjusted by a Conference Regulations. The Regulations is annualy approved by Departament of Education of the Yaroslavl region.
Students present the results of their scientific works. They are marked by the experts commissions, consisted of the Yaroslavl scientists. The Chairman of the expert Council of the conference is Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician Valerii Kozlov.